
Online learning is a great means of learning regardless of where in the country you are. The Biological Recording Company hosts webinars that bring natural history and ecology specialists to your home (or wherever you choose to join us from)!

Our webinars started with the hugely successful entoLIVE webinar programme and has now diversified into the various programmes listed below (click on the images to learn more). Watch this space for even more virtual learning opportunities coming soon!

entoLEARN is a programme of educational talks with subject specialists that focus on groups of UK invertebrates, including their biology, ecology and behaviour. All events are suitable for adults of all abilities – a passion for invertebrates is all that’s required! 2024 subjects include Bumblebees, Damselflies, Freshwater Leeches, Earthworms and Longhorn Beetles.

entoLIVE webinars feature guest invertebrate researchers delving into their own invertebrate research. All events are free to attend and are suitable for adults of all abilities – a passion for invertebrates is all that’s required! 2023 entoLIVE webinars were delivered in 2023, with a further 20 each year for 2024 onwards.

marineLIVE webinars feature guest marine biologists talking about their research into the various organisms that inhabit our seas and oceans, and the threats that they face. All events are free to attend and are suitable for adults of all abilities – a passion for marine life is all that’s required! First up is Seahorses of the UK: Conservation and Research.

Skills For Ecology webinars are 90 minutes in length and feature a 60-minute presentation by a subject specialist, followed by an audience Q&A. These webinars tackle subjects surrounding field and/or tech skills for ecological surveys. Upcoming subjects include our Drone Surveys series and Crayfish Surveys series.

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